Sunday, December 27, 2009

Best New Technology of the Decade

When is a mouse not a mouse?

When it is a guitar! The idea of creating a drum or guitar out of a mouse controller is one the best ideas of the new century.

Entertainment games, like Guitar Hero and Rock Band , always lead the way by thinking "outside of the box."

The software that generates the video players in Rock Band is called Reallusions.

It is available to animators and video producers. It works like Adobe Photoshop: you capture pictures or video with your camera, outline the images, and use various filters to edit the images.

Tell me you didn't see that coming: a mouse that looks like a guitar. Who'da thunk it?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Handmade Christmas

Dame Dragon is a cartoon I wrote when I was young. Eric and Clair were just knee-highs. The hand drawn cartoons were video-taped in the 1980s. My friend, Alex Wheddon, WLLN News, transfered the videos to digital format and uploaded them to Google Video a few years ago.

Here is a link to that video on Google:

The best gifts are handmade gifts, from the heart.
love, eBeth

Monday, December 7, 2009

My Town Monday: Hiatus

I debated long and hard today, but I decided to take an official hiatus from My Town Monday posts until the new year. I'll be working on some new material though, in part because next semester I'm teaching a Michigan & Local History class to my lovely students (assuming I can get enough of them interested in it!)

I'm hoping to have a few posts along the way, but it's entirely possible that the lights will dim on this blog over the next few weeks. I've got a lot on my plate both personally and professionally at the moment (the price of working too many jobs, methinks.)

See you in the new year!